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Jai Bhole
About Us

We provide Collection of aarti,chalisa,stotra,bhajan and stuti, know about temples of india, vrat katha, beej mantra etc and solution to many problems of life by jyotish. In Jai Bhole we try to deliver authentic content for our users. We provide services related to Astrology(ज्योतिष) and spirituality(अध्यात्म). We cover all the Chalisa, Aarti, Bhajan, Stuti, Stotra and have articles related to our festivals like Diwali, Navratri, Ekadashi, etc. We cover all the beej mantras and their benefits and also the benefits of Chalisa like Hanuman Chalisa, Shiv Chalisa, etc. All this content is created by our expert team. Visit our Content Section.

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Reading Materials
Chalisa ( चालीसा संग्रह )
Aarti ( आरती संग्रह )
Stotra ( स्तोत्र संग्रह )
Bhajan ( हिंदी भजन संग्रह )
Mantra's ( मंत्र एवं श्लोक )
Stuti ( स्तुति संग्रह )
Temples Of India ( भारत के मंदिर )
STORIES ( हिंदी कथा और कहानियाँ )
Articles ( हिंदी लेख संग्रह )
Jyotish ( ग्रहो का अध्ययन )
Kings Of India ( भारत के राजा महाराजा )
chanting mantra ( मंत्र जाप )
Video Section